100+ Happy Father’s day Wishes, Quotes for Dad 2023

Picking out a gift for your father on father's day is quite a testy task. Not only do you need to pick out a snazzy gift, but you also write a creative message for your darling pop. Here are some of the creative messages and quotations that you can write on a father’s day greetings card and attach them with the gift you are about to send to your dear father.

Happy Father’s day Wishes and Quotes for Dad

A daughter and her father have a very special bond. She is the apple of her papa's eyes. To honour the relationship you have with your daddy, here are some of the quotations that will help you dazzle your father with a father's day gift!

Happy Father’s Day Greetings from a Daughter

• “Many say fathers are like boats who hold us back when needed and sail along when the current is right. But my father is a lighthouse. His love always makes sure we go the right way.” — unknown

• “My father always lets me laugh happily by myself, but never lets me cry alone.” — unknown

Happy Father’s Day Greetings from a Daughter

• “Husbands may not look at us as their queens, but fathers always look at their daughters as their little princesses.” — unknown

• “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of the song.” — unknown

• “My father always tells me that I am growing up real quick. But no matter how tall I get, I will always look up to my father for who he is.” — unknown

• “Where other fathers might take their sons to a football match, I am a proud daughter whose father takes her shopping.” — unknown

• “No one in this world can love a girl more than her father.” — Michael Ratnadeepak

• “Being a daddy’s girl is like having permanent armour for the rest of your life.” — Marinela Reka

• “I know my father is a great husband. Because he treats my mother just the way he treats me – with love, care, and respect.” — unknown

• “I smile because you’re my father. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it." — unknown

• “No matter who I get married to, my father will always be my first love.” — unknown

• “The happiest moment of my life was when I was born. Because I had the privilege to be my father’s daughter.” — unknown

• “To her, the name of father was another name for love.” — Fanny Fern

• “Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing father.” — unknown

• “A girl’s first true love is her father.” — Marisol Santiago

• “Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing father.” — unknown

• “The love between a father and daughter is forever.” — unknown

• “A daughter is a treasure and a cause of sleeplessness.” — Ben Sirach

• “A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.” — unknown

• “My father gave me my dreams. Thanks to him, I could see a future.” — Liza Minnelli

Happy Father’s Day Messages From a Daughter

1. I love you, daddy. You are the brightest star in my night sky, a sparkling constellation in my galaxy, and the twinkling star that shows me that he is always out there for me. Thank you so much for being the wonderful man that you are.

2. You are the role model that I always look up to, daddy. Everyone keeps telling me that superheroes don’t exist, but they haven’t met you yet. You take care of so many things and yet find the time to love me. Thank you so much, daddy.

Happy Father’s Day Messages From a Daughter

3. Happy father’s day to my lovely dad. It has been many years now and you keep saying that I am growing up quickly and I will be a woman soon. No matter how old I get, I will always be your little girl, daddy.

4. Thank you, daddy, for all the times you stayed up late for me. For all the times you showered us with love and care. For all the wonderful moments you shared with us. For everything that you have taught us. I will always be happy to see you.

5. Everyone keeps telling me that I look like my mother. But I want to tell them that as wonderful as my mother is, I want to grow up to be like my father. I want to be like the strong and wonderful person that he is. Thank you for being a wonderful daddy to me, daddy.

6. You are my very first love, dear dad. You have been the shining light of my life and the wonderful caring person who has been there for me. I would want my son to grow up to be just like you. Happy father’s day!

7. I feel very safe with you in my life, father. You are the armour I never had because I know you will always protect me no matter what. Thank you for being there for me, daddy. Now and always.

8. I can see why mommy loves you so much. You are a wonderful man, a loving father, and a great human being all around. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. Have a wonderful day, daddy!

9. I could have given you gifts and flowers and chocolates and cakes but I know that you love the smile on my face the most. And that is because the smile appears every time I see you. Happy father’s day!

10. A father holds his daughter’s hand for a short while, but he holds her heart forever.

11. My father may not be the sun or the moon that can illuminate the entire sky. He is a fireplace who can keep me warm even in the coldest of the nights.

12. Not every father can give his daughter endless hugs. Our hugs will never end, even when we move apart. I love you, daddy.

13. I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is a king. – unknown

14. I miss being with you on father’s day, but I'm thinking about you and hoping you have a great day.

15. My father might hold my hand for a little while when i get married. But he has held my heart for all these years, and will always hold it for more to come.

16. Hey dad! I know i am not there at home to make your day special, but i am celebrating it here. You and mum are always with me. Happy father’s day, daddy!

17. Thank you for believing in me daddy, always. Knowing that you trust me and believe in me, helps me immensely. I know i can face anything if i have your support! Happy father’s day, dad! I love you!

18. Dad, thank you for being there for us, always. I know, nobody will love me as much as you do.

19. Dad, that’s the thing about you. You taught me so much without saying a word. I want to be like you. Love you, dad. Happy father’s day!

20. Today is all about you, dad! Enjoy, because tomorrow it’s back to the rest of us.

21. Happy father’s day, daddy! I know you love me the most and that I know I am your favourite child.

22. Happy father’s day from afar to an amazing dad. Miss you, daddy!

23. I miss being with you on father’s day, but i’m thinking about you and hoping you have a great day.

24. Having you in my life has made all the difference in the world to me. Thanks, for raising me the way you did. Happy father’s day to a wonderful dad!

25. Hey, daddy! I know I am not there with you on your special day. But I will make it up to you. I will bake a cake and we will relish it just the way we did in my childhood. Happy father’s day to the best man in the world!

The father-son relationship is pious. To wish your dear dad, the man who shows you the meaning of manhood, here are some of the quotations and messages that you can attach to your father’s day gift.

Happy Father’s Day Quotes from a Son

• “Dad: a son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love.” — unknown

• “A father doesn’t tell you that he loves you. He shows you.” — Dimitri, the Stoneheart

• “Each time my father has put me down from his arms, he has picked up my crying sister. This is who he has taught me to be.” — unknown

 Happy Father’s Day Quotes from a Son

• “When my father gives me a gift, we both rejoice. But I don't know why my father has tears in his eyes when I give him a gift instead.” — unknown

• “Almost anyone can be a father. But my father has taught me what it takes for his son to call him daddy lovingly.” — unknown

• “Every father wishes for his son to be more successful than himself. But I know that I will never be equal to my dad ever.” — unknown

• “My father is a man of a few words. And that’s alright. Because a few words is all it takes for him to make me happy, calm me when I am crying, and teach me the right lessons for my life.” — unknown

• “A great father makes sure that his children grow up well. But a great dad makes memories that his children will carry within their hearts long after he’s gone, and pass them on to the coming generations.” — unknown

• “I have read a lot of superhero comics. But I am yet to find a superhero as strong and powerful as my daddy.” — unknown

• “A father is more powerful than he can even make the darkest night turn into a day with his presence.” — unknown

• “For everyone out there, you are my father. But to me, you are my entire world.” — unknown

• “Becoming a dad is one thing—being a dad is many things.” — Steve Chapman

• “Life doesn’t come with an instruction book—that’s why we have fathers.” — Jackson Browne

• “Forget batman: when I really thought about what I wanted to be when I grew up, I wanted to be my dad.” — Paul Asay

• “I may not think my father is right until i grow up. And by then, my son will think that I am always wrong.” — unknown

• “My dad’s my best mate, and he always will be.” — Cher Lloyd

• “My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived, and let me watch him do it.” — Clarence Budington Kelland

• “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” — Sigmund Freud

• “No man stands taller than when he stoops to help a child.” — Abraham Lincoln

• “A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely.” — Emile Gaboriau

Happy Fathers Day Wishes From a Son

Happy Fathers Day Wishes From a Son

1. When anybody asks me what I want to be when I grow up, I tell them that no matter what I become, I want to be a man like my father. Happy father’s day, dear daddy.

2. Thank you, daddy, for teaching me to not be afraid of failure. Thank you for not helping me when I fell, but teaching me to dust off and rise again and continue moving ahead. You are the best. Love you dad.

3. Every time I read comics, I wished that I had a superhero in my life. Now I know I have always had one ever since I was born. You are the hero I will always look up to, daddy. Happy father’s day!

4. You are the best father I could ever have because you never tell me what to do. You don’t hold my hand and tell me to walk a path. All you do is let your hand rest on my shoulder to tell me that no matter what, you will always be there to watch my back. I love you, dad.

5. I don’t wish to be a star that shines bright at night. I wish to be like my dad who is a candle that makes everything light up at home. Happy father’s day!

6. I cannot tell you how much I love you, dad. You have sacrificed so much for us and I can never be able to match up to that ever in my life. I love you so much, daddy.

7. Every time i am happy, the first person i think of is you because you’ve made me happy. And every time I am sad, the first person I think of is you again. Because you can always make me happy. Love you dada.

8. Dear dad, I have never had to look for inspirational people in world leaders or mythical heroes. You have been my inspiration all along. Happy father’s day.

9. Dear father, you are never wrong in your life. But you will be wrong if you ever think that i don’t love you and have forgotten about you. Because I never will. Happy father’s day!

10. Who’s smart and strong, who has happiness and discipline in the right blend? It’s gotta be my father, who is also my best friend. Love you daddy.

11. Thank you for the example you set and for your leadership in our family. I love you, dad!

12. You made growing up fun. Thanks, dad, for all your love!

13. Happy father’s day, daddy! Thank you for being there every day with just the love and guidance I've needed.

14. You have a heart of gold, daddy! Thank you for teaching me what’s important in life!

15. The older i turned, the more i realised that you have always been right, father.

16. I feel loved, I feel cared for, and I feel blessed. And that’s because of you, dad. Happy father’s day, daddy!

17. You’re a great dad and you’re a wonderful friend. Thanks dad for being there for us, always!

18. You’re a natural at this ‘daddy’ thing. I am lucky to have you as my father. Happy father’s day!

19. I wish I could grow up to be a person like you. But more than that, I think I want to be a father like you. You’re an amazing father, daddy, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

20. You’re doing a great job, daddy. Look at me, daddy. See, you have raised a wonderful son.

21. Sending love and thanks across the miles to the best dad ever.

22. Dad, you are my inspiration. I hope one day, I could be a father like you. Happy father’s day from a new father!

23. I wish I could be there in person to remind you in person how much I love you, dad.

24. Happy father’s day to an amazing father. Love you, daddy. Happy father’s day to you!

25. Thanks for teaching me some of the best things I know, daddy. I would have learned everything from you had I paid more attention. But i was just a kid back then! Happy father’s day!

Also Read - 5 Amazing Stories Of Inspiring Dads

Father’s Day Wishes For a First Time Dad

 Father’s Day Wishes

1. Seeing you as a dad brings out a whole new side of you and it’s just wonderful. Happy Father’s Day.

2. On the most special day, wishing my dearest husband a very Happy Father’s Day…. I know you are going to make the world’s best dad to our baby…. Lots of luck to you first time dad.

3. I may not talk or type but I can always express my feelings to my daddy who means the world to me. Papa, I love you the most and I know that you love me the most too. Happy Father’s Day.

4. Dearest dad, I know you are surprised seeing my message but I just wanted to thank you for showering me with so much love and care. Wishing you Happy Father’s Day papa.

5. Dear father, you have already done so much for me in your first year of Fatherhood that I know you will love me like no one. Happy Father’s Day.

6. It’s wonderful to see you care for me and I can feel your care and love. Feeling like the luckiest baby on this Earth. Happy Father’s Day Dad.

7. I am sure that our child will grow into a wonderful human being like you. Happy Father’s Day.

Father’s Day Messages When You Cannot Be Together

1. Though there might be hundreds and thousands of miles between us, my love for you will always be the same. Happy Father’s Day.

2. How I wish to see you by my side on this special day. Sending your air hugs and kisses. Happy Father’s Day.

 Father’s Day Messages When You Cannot Be Together

3. Everyday I miss those goodnight and goodmorning kisses on the forehead. Wish you could be here with me today. Happy Father’s Day.

4. Sending love and gratitude across miles to the best dad in the world. Happy Father’s Day.

5. Near or far, I’m always so thankful for the great dad you are. Happy Father’s Day.

6. Dad, whether I was living under your roof or in your heart, you’ve loved me just the same. That means the world to me. Happy Father’s Day.

7. I wish I could be there in person to remind you in person how much I love you, Dad. Happy Father’s Day.

Happy Father’s Day Quotes For Your Grandfather

1. To the great, great, great dad in the world. You have been more than a dad or grandfather to me. Happy Father’s Day.

2. Thank You grandfather, for always saving me from mom and dad and loving me the most. Happy Father’s Day.

 Happy Father’s Day Quotes For Your Grandfather

3. Dear grandfather, you are a father figure to me even before my dad and I love you the most. Happy Father’s Day.

4. On this Father’s Day, I would love to thank you grandfather for always being there for me and believing in me. Happy Father’s Day.

5. Grandpa, you will always have a special place in my heart. Happy Father’s Day.

6. Thankyou for being an amazing dad to my father and me. We will always make you proud. Happy Father’s Day.

Happy Father’s Day to a father who is really grand.

Happy Father’s Day Wishes For Your Son or Grandson

1. Wishing a very Happy Father’s Day to my son. May your children bring you as much joy as you’ve brought me over the years.

 Happy Father’s Day Wishes For Your Son or Grandson

2. Happy Father’s Day. Son, I’m so proud of the family you have started for yourself. Enjoy your day, I will always love you!

3. It’s wonderful to see you grow up so fast, take over all the responsibilities of a family and become a dad. Happy Father’s Day son.

4. Dear son, you have always made us proud and hope someday you will tell that to your children too. Happy Father’s Day.

5. Welcome to the league of heroes known as“parenthood”. Happy Father’s Day, Son!

6. Wishing a very happy Father's Day to a super dad who also happens to be a super son.

7. May your parenthood be a wonderful and adventurous experience. Happy Father’s Day son.

Happy Father’s Day Message For Someone Who is Like a Father to You

1. “Thinking of you on Father’s Day uncle and feeling grateful that we are a family. Happy Father’s Day.”

2. “A very happy Father’s Day to my godfather. My parents would not have made a better choice than choosing you for me.”

 Happy Father’s Day Message For Someone Who is Like a Father to You

3. “Thanks for supporting me in time when I really needed the care and affection of a fatherly figure. Happy Father’s Day.”

4. “Remembering you on Father’s Day uncle and wondering what good would I have done to receive your constant support in my life. Happy Father’s Day.”

5. “You might not be my dad but you are no less than one for me. Happy Father’s Day uncle.”

Funny Messages for Dad On Father’s Day

1. “Happy Father’s Day. Hope the beers are chilling and the grill is sizzling!”

2. “Sending you heartfelt appreciation on Father’s Day. It’s the least I can do considering all the gray hairs I’ve caused you.”

3. “Thanks for teaching me all the best things I know…plus some other good stuff that I probably should have paid more attention to.”

4. “I hope all your wildest Father’s Day wishes come true—maybe even the one about staying awake through the whole afternoon of baseball on TV!”

5. “Today is all about you, Dad! Enjoy, because tomorrow it’s back to the rest of us.”

6. “I hope you get to waste some time in your favorite ways on Father’s Day. You deserve it!”

7. “Sending lots of love to the dad who did his best to keep me out of trouble…from the daughter who sure did have a knack for finding it!”

8. “Happy Father’s Day with love from your favorite kid. (Don’t worry—I won’t tell if you won’t.)”

9. “Happy Father’s Day, Daddy. We’ll just drop the grilled meat off at the door to your man cave.”

Well, here are the best Father’s Day wishes from son and all kinds of other wishes that you can use to make your dad happy. Well, you can write these on a beautiful greeting card, and pair it with a Father's Day gift from son that will truly make him feel delighted.

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