When Is Mother’s Day Celebrated?

Mother’s Day, a day dedicated to the most selfless human being created by God. A mother always puts her children first and never even blinks while going through tremendous sacrifices and adjustments to fulfill her child’s desires. From cooking to washing, she is the one who does everything for her kid to make life easy and convenient for him and her. Truly, a single day cannot contain her love for us but together we can make this day special for all the mothers of the world.

Date of Mother’s Day in 2020

Every year, Mother’s Day is celebrated in India on the second Sunday in the month of May and this year the date is 10th May 2020. The idea is to admire and celebrate her efforts through Mother's Day special gifts and gesture meant only for her.

Why Mother’s Day is celebrated on Second Sunday of May?

It all started with the efforts of a devoted daughter, Anna M. Jarvis of Philadelphia, who brought forth the idea of dedicating a single day to mothers. The media and masses quickly embraced the idea and unofficial Mother’s Day was started being observed in different cities, towns, and villages. On May 8, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation appointing the second Sunday of May as official Mother’s Day. An idea which was later celebrated worldwide.

Mother’s Day Dates For Next Five Years:

Year Date Day
2020 10 May Sunday
2021 09 May Sunday
2022 08 May Sunday
2023 14 May Sunday
2024 12 May Sunday
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