Fathers Day Special - 5 Amazing Stories Of Inspiring Dads

Father’s are the dearest people in our lives. Hard on the outside and a softie on the inside, father’s are the sweetest people we have the opportunity to know. With father’s day approaching us, here are some of the hard hitting inspirational stories dads that provide more meaning to the relationship between a father and his child.

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Each of these fathers day stories are sentimental to the core and will add more value to your relationship with your dad. Maybe with these stories influencing you, you can consider honouring your dad with a father's day special gift. This will be the perfect celebration to all his contributions to your life!

1. The First Graduate

Here is a story of a man who overcame challenges to become the first graduate in the family. The story comes from the first voice perspective from a son who looks up to his father and is genuinely inspired by his accomplishments.

 happy father's day story

“He had never asked me to do anything in particular. If you like this, do it, else don’t. This is the one statement he always makes to me. He is the first graduate in the family in the midst of a financial crisis. His journey from that to where he is now inspires me to do a lot more in life and achieve greater heights.”

2. The Prodigal Son

Who does not remember the age old story of the prodigal son? The tale of the prodigal son is a vast reminder to all of us, the love of a father for his child. Among all the father son inspirational stories, this one will make you nostalgic. We learn that the child can essentially do anything at all and not lose the love of his father. This story has become the quintessential happy father's day story.

 happy father's day stories

The son leaves his home with all of his funds and wants to go off to see the world. He is gone for a lengthy time, spends all of his money on things which are not healthy for him or for his body, while the other son (the prodigal son’s brother) remains at home dutifully giving his best. The son eventually returns back home penniless with nothing to show at all. But even in such a defeated state, the prodigal son is accepted by his father. This story goes on to prove how a father’s love for his children is not bound to their materialistic achievements.

3. The Simple Father

Here is another inspirational story from a daughter who has recently lost her father, reflecting on the relationship between them.

 father's day inspirational stories

“He was my inspiration, though at the time of my childhood I did not realise it. As I grew older I started wanting to emulate him. He led by example and was a true friend at the end of his life. I was not the greatest child but he knew how to motivate me and more importantly he knew how to live with me.”

4. The Positive Dad

Here is a story that tells you how a father overcame many obstacles thrown at him, strived and became a better version of himself and subsequently an idle father.

 father's day story

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“He didn't have a very luxurious life during his childhood. They are 5 siblings and he is the youngest one. He studied at a government school. There were some people who discouraged him from studying. Despite all this because of his sheer hard work and positive attitude he excelled in what he did. I am proud of my dad!!”

5. The Army Man

A father is the dearest friend for any child. Here is a story of a man who misses his father who became a martyr.

“I do not have a lot of memories of my father. I just remember his kind but stern face and his uniform. I was very young when he left for the Kargil war. We were inconsolable of course but we had never been more proud. My father defended his country. That man was pure honour. It is a bigger honour to be his son. Sure, I may not have had the chance to know him deeply and form a bond, but even with the unspoken words, I could not have been more proud of him. Each father’s day is a reminder to me - a proud son of the martyr!”

With these heartwarming stories, we all must feel blessed to have a father by our side. Being able to spend time with him has been a treat for all of us. That’s why, this time around, you need to treat your dad to the fullest! With father's day gift cards and heartfelt handwritten quotes, honour your dad’s contributions in your life!

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