How to Keep Flowers Fresh Longer

A bouquet of bright flowers can bring joy to any space and leave a lasting impression on your loved ones. But the ugly truth is that fresh blooms don’t last long. If you see the brighter side, some easy and handy tips and tricks on how to keep flowers fresh can help you with the longevity of your flowers. From using common household items like apple cider vinegar, coins, bleach, or vodka to flower water to letting the flowers stay in the fridge overnight. Below given are the tips on how to keep flowers fresh.

How to Keep Flowers Fresh Longer

Use Clean Vase

Minimize the risk of bacteria that can infect your flowers. As such, use a clean vase to reduce risk and keep your flowers as fresh as possible. There are many types of vases, so choose the one that best matches your interior decor as well as the one that fits your flowers. A container with a wide neck would be versatile enough to easily fit into flower stems. Place the flowers in separate containers with stems of different lengths, so that all the flowers are clearly visible.

Use Clean Vase

Cut stems under water

The key to keeping fresh flowers beautiful longer is to reduce contaminants and prevent bacterial growth. If you need to cut flowers to fit inside your vase. Fill your sinks with water and cut them under the water at a 45-degree angle. Cutting stems underwater can prevent air bubbles and help the flowers absorb excess moisture. It will also remove the bacteria that are already growing.

Cut stems under water

Change the water every two days

It is a proven tip that fresh and clean water keeps your cut flowers alive longer. Take the flowers out of the vase about every couple of days and replenish the water. To clean the vase, wash it with warm water and then fill it two-thirds full with fresh water. Keep your flowers fresh overnight by changing the water.

Change the water every two days

Flower Food

UAn important tip to remember whenever you think “how to keep flowers fresh” is to use pre-mixed flower food that comes in small packets because it contains essential ingredients that flowers need; Carbohydrates (sugars), biocides (cleansing agents) and acidifiers. These three elements promote cell metabolism, combat bacteria and increase water content by adjusting the pH of the water. Florists will recommend adding a new packet to the vase every time the water is changed. These packets can be easily purchased at a florist or home supply store.

Flower Food

Keep flowers in a cool place not in direct sunlight

Too much heat or too little sunlight causes the flowers to fade quickly. Make sure to keep your flowers away from fruits and vegetables. They release ethylene gas, which will cause your flowers to wither much faster.

Keep flowers in a cool place not in direct sunlight


Add a copper penny to your fresh bouquet. The copper should act like an acidifier, fighting the growth of bacteria in your system. On the fourth day, the bloom opened nicely with the copper peony. In fact, this may have caused the flowers to open too early, resulting in some withered flowers by day 7.


Apple vinegar

Everyone likes to keep cut flowers as long as possible, and there are many good ways. There are many DIY household tricks on how to keep flowers fresh, and one such way is to mix 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 spoons of sugar into the vase water before adding the flowers. Be sure to change the water every few days to increase the longevity of your flowers.

Apple vinegar

So, these were the tips on how to make flowers last longer. Order online flower delivery in Bangalore and send your loved one the gift of fresh blooms. Keep your flowers fresh!

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