To Breathe Clean, Let’s Go Green- Celebrating National Pollution Prevention Day

What is the National Pollution Prevention Day?

National Pollution Prevention Day is celebrated on 2 December in India. This day is celebrated in the memory of people who lost their lives in the Bhopal Gas Disaster. The Bhopal gas tragedy occurred in the year 1984 on the night of 2 to 3 December. Many people died due to the poisonous gas methyl isocyanate, also known as MIC. The Bhopal gas tragedy is considered one of the biggest industrial pollution disasters.

 National Pollution Prevention Day

Why National Pollution Control Day is Celebrated?

One of the major factors in celebrating National Pollution Control Day every year is to manage and control the Industrial Disaster as well as the prevention of the pollution (created by the industrial processes or manual negligence) of water, air, and soil. A number of laws are promulgated by the government worldwide to seriously control and prevent pollution. National Pollution Control Day is observed every year on 2 December to make people aware and most importantly, to make the industries aware of the need for Pollution Control Acts.

Purpose of The Day:

  • Spreading awareness of managing and controlling industrial disasters
  • To prevent pollution caused by industrial processes or human negligence
  • Making people and industries aware of the importance of pollution control acts

How can you control pollution? Show you care by Cleaning the Air!

Yes, these potted plants look beautiful, but can it really spruce up the air quality in your home? Studies by scientists at NASA, Pennsylvania State University, and other respected institutions suggest that it can. Indoor plants absorb pollutants from the air by absorbing these gases through their leaves and roots. Microorganisms living in the soil of cherished plants also play an important role in neutralizing VOCs and other pollutants. Here are the best and NASA approved air purifying plants online in India. Read to know more!

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the best indoor gardening plants and is easy to grow. It is a great plant to improve your indoor air quality. (and is hard to kill for those who do not have a green thumb). It helps to keep your home free of benzene which is commonly found in paints and some chemical cleaners.

Aloe Vera Plant

Bamboo Plant

The plant claims elegance and height in addition to removing harmful elements such as benzene and formaldehyde. Bamboo palms work as an oxygen tree that helps keep indoor air moist, making it welcome in the dry winter months.

Bamboo Plant

Boston Fern

Boston Ferns are very popular houseplants and are one that provides beauty and health benefits. These plants act as humidifiers and can help improve humidity in the air, so they are perfect for those who suffer from dry skin and other cold-weather problems. NASA study showed - it was the top home plant to remove formaldehyde.

Boston Fern Plant

Dwarf Dates

It is stiff and drought-resistant, but it is a slow-growing one. However, dwarf dates are known for their ability to filter xylene. For optimal air-filtering, NASA recommends having at least one plant per 9 square meters of a home or office space.

Dwarf Dates Plant

Weeping Fig

According to NASA's Clean Air Study, weeping fig is very efficient in cleaning airborne formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. Just keep them out of direct sunlight and they can survive for decades.

Weeping Fig Plant

These were some of the best indoor plants for oxygen, go green, and make a difference! The AQI is doing day by day which is bad for the environment and your health. Grow as many plants as you can. #saveearth

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