Love On The Go: Shuttl Ride Made Cherishable With FlowerAura

When love is in the air, how can flowers be left behind?

Unarguably, every morning of Valentine’s day is beautiful. Each day of the week brings new reasons to celebrate love. You cross oceans, fly places, and traverse distances simply to make your special one feel loved. Isn’t it? Well, this year, we did the same and went an extra mile simply to spread love to all the ones who are on their way to raise a toast to their love story. Taking a detour from our online gift collection, we handed flowers in the Shuttl commuters and plucked happiness in our basket right away.

 Shuttl Ride Made Cherishable with FlowerAura

Celebrating Hug day in a priceless manner, we made our way into the sunny morning of February 12 into the Shuttl bus en route Gurgaon. Distributing roses to all the commuters, we made sure to make their journey special. The idea of distributing flower was simply meant for the riders to give it to someone dearest who has been there at every step and have never stepped away every time a shoulder was needed.

 Flowers with 30% Discount Coupon

Amidst the hustle-bustle of Valentine’s week preparations, our happiness was all about stepping up and making sure to gift these special flowers to one and all. Not just this, our ‘Love on the go’ campaign was coupled with the FlowerAura coupon that avails flat 30% off on their purchase from the online portal.

 Love on the Go

There can be no denying that the shuttlrs were caught by surprise and to us and were left flabbergasted. Out of the blue, this distribution made their morning a beautiful one and made them feel special and at the same time had a reason to make others overwhelmed as they had an opportunity to grab the best Valentine’s gift with 30% off.

 Best Valentine Gift Handed to Shuttl Commuters

Flowers have always been an integral part of FlowerAura! These are the special gifts for all those special moments that can’t be put into words. Beautifying every aspect of the moment, these are the quintessential messengers that can uplift spirits, dazzle the souls, and spark the vibes in the most colorful manner. And with this beautiful drive during the Valentine’s week, we made sure to warm hearts beautifully.

 Flowers as Gift to Loved Ones
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