10 Plants you Should Keep in Bedroom and Why

The more you get to know about them, the more you will fall in love with! Such is exactly the kind of effect foliage plants have. There is a common notion attached to its placing indoors and that is - these indoor plants are to be kept in the living rooms as a decor piece, which is a misconception. Though no doubt indoor plants look great and bless the owner and other members with its goodness, nonetheless these plants can be kept in other rooms as well. Just like in your own personal space or bedroom! Yes, you heard us absolutely right! While some like to decorate their bedroom with some plants in bedroom feng shui or some ornamental plants to keep in the bedroom. The concept of inculcating bedroom plant ideas while remodeling or shifting to a new space has been seen to be implemented by all. So, below we have mentioned some of the plants to be kept in bedroom, that will not be just appealing as a decor piece but rather will be making your life blissful.

Plants you Should Keep in Bedroom and Why

1. Peace Lily

Enchanting in its flowery appeal, Peace Lily Plant is like the best plant to keep in the bedroom because of its magical serene properties. From its glossy leaves to be able to tolerate in any condition, what’s there not to fall in love with this beauty? Isn’t it? Also, it is said to bless the owner and fellow members of the house with good night, baby-like sleep.

Peace Lily

2. Lavender

Getting its name from the pretty hue itself, a lavender plant makes an excellent bedroom plant. Keeping a lavender plant in a side table or someplace near your bedroom, helps you to reduce both blood pressure and heart rate. So, get a lavender plant right away and inhale the sweet yet subtle scent as you doze off to having a deep sleep.


3. Jasmine

More than just being a pretty face! It is said that the natural scent of the jasmine plant helps to improve the quality of your sleep and blesses you with more chances of waking up with a better attitude and less anxiety. So, get one right away!


4. Aloe Vera

If we had to name a plant to be a superhero-in-disguise, it would undoubtedly be the Aloe Vera plant. From being a remedy to treat rashes and other skin irritations to bestowing us with fresh air indoors, Aloe vera is indeed a magical plant. As it releases oxygen at night, it blesses its owner and fellow members with long hours of deep hours.

Aloe Vera

5. Valerian

Small, serene white clustered like a big flower, as a whole, a valerian plant having a sweet-smelling natural scent. According to some research, a valerian plant when kept in a bedroom helps one to fall asleep quicker and enjoy long hours of tight sleep. For those who are wanting to keep a valerian plant in their bedroom, must note that this plant needs at least 6 hours of sunlight to stay healthy. So, one needs to do a bit of shifting during the day and night while nurturing a valerian plant indoors at home.


6. English Ivy

A common ornamental creeper plant English Ivy makes a great groundcover in your bedroom. As English Ivy is an air-purifying plant that pulls out all the unnecessary molecules and particles from your home and blesses you with a blanket of fresh air. For all the people who are struggling with some kind of allergy or are devoid of proper sleep, bring English Ivy plant in your bedrooms to see it act like your real-life savior.

English Ivy

7. Gerbera Daisies

The moment you wake up, the beautiful flowers of this plant will surely wish you “good morning” and the moment you go off to sleep, they will wish you “good night”. Such is the kind of magic, a gerbera daisy plant has over its owner and other members. Cheerful throughout the day, this plant emits oxygen to ensure that every night you have a good night sleep. The extra care which such plant requires is absolutely worthwhile, you will know once you bring this plant inside your bedroom.

Gerbera Daisies

8. Rosemary

A rosemary plant when kept in a bedroom is said to reduce anxiety and other such mental ailments. It also notches up the hours of sleeping and makes some positive changes in our regular sleeping pattern. Widely used as a herb while cooking, rosemary is a herb which curbs some of our problems, quite effectively.


9. Snake Plant

From being able to survive the roughest of the roughest conditions, a snake plant is a blessing for all of us. It is inexpensive and helps in improving the air quality inside the bedroom.

Snake Plant

10. Philodendron

Having beautiful heart-shaped leaves, a philodendron plant is said to be almost impossible to kill. Although being dangerous to your pets, a philodendron plant brings you tranquillity, maintains indoor humidity levels, produces oxygen, and naturally filters air pollutants, quite just like other indoor plants.


So, bring these green beauties indoors to give you and your bedroom a peaceful retreat. A plant can bless you with a perfect dose of relaxation, every day. Make sure to incorporate and choose them wisely.

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