• Flowers Speak! What Does Your Favourite Flower Say About You?

    Flowers Speak! What Does Your Favourite Flower Say About You?

    December 28 2016

    Ever wondered what draws you to Lilies instead of Roses, or Orchids instead of Gerberas? You might have never given it a thought! And that is because not many have an idea how flowers are more than just a number of delicately beautiful petals clustered together. And why do we have a favourite flower? They, indeed, have deeper impacts on us than just being colourful dots of beauty to be marvelled at. What augments their allure is that they have a power to communicate even with their...

  • How To Apologize Appropriately - FlowerAura

    How To Apologize Appropriately - FlowerAura

    November 21 2016

    Admit it, we have all done it. We have hurt people, their feelings, sometimes even intentionally but amidst all this, we have mistaken the key of getting past it. Sometimes, Sorry is not just enough! How To Apologize Appropriately - An infographic by the team at FlowerAura.com Embed How To Apologize Appropriately - infographic on Your Site: Copy and Paste the Code Below How To Apologize Appropriately -An infographic by the team at FlowerAura.com .img-wrap{ margin: 0...

  • Revealing Little Things Happy Couples Do Each Day - Floweraura

    Revealing Little Things Happy Couples Do Each Day - Floweraura

    October 17 2016

    Marriage is a lot more than just falling in love and saying “I do”. In fact, the harder part is living happily ever after. Here are some of the secrets and revelations from happy couples to achieve marital satisfaction. Revealing Little Things Happy Couples Do Each Day - An infographic by the team at FlowerAura.com Embed Revealing Little Things Happy Couples Do Each Day infographic on Your Site: Copy and Paste the Code Below Revealing Little Things Happy Couples Do Each Day -...

  • 7 Unknown Facts About The Indian Independence!

    7 Unknown Facts About The Indian Independence!

    August 13 2016

    "Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny and now that time comes when we shall redeem our pledge …at the stroke of today’s midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. " -Jawaharlal Nehru India, the country known for Lingual- Cultural diversity, as the originator of Chess, Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus, World’s largest Democracy and the country with the largest Road Network! India indeed has a long history to tell about itself ever since...

  • Celebrating The Magic of Mums Around The World

    Celebrating The Magic of Mums Around The World

    May 07 2016

    Youth fades; love sinks, the leaves of friendship fall but a mother's secret hope outlives them all. So, on this Mother’s Day, we, at FlowerAura, decided to celebrate the Magic of Mums and reveal some thoughtful insights. Celebrating The Magic of Mums Around The World - An infographic by the team at FlowerAura.com Embed Celebrating The Magic of Mums Around The World infographic on Your Site: Copy and Paste the Code Below Celebrating The Magic of Mums Around The World - An...

  • Grand Tribute to these 5 Noteworthy  Environmentalists

    Grand Tribute to these 5 Noteworthy Environmentalists

    April 20 2016

    ‘We need to return some balance to our planet, so that our planet and all those who inhabit it can coexist in peace.’ The brilliance of nature is being devoured each day. We misuse the water resources, we dirty our environment,and we are cutting the trees mindlessly to construct concrete jungles. These destructive and careless actions are destroying the natural reservoirs and going by this pace, the day is not far when we all will be facing an empty, hollow mass, instead of our beautiful...

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