• Meaningful Mother’s Day Flowers To Surprise Your Mom

    Meaningful Mother’s Day Flowers To Surprise Your Mom

    May 02 2022

    Your mother is your first friend; she teaches you everything you need to know and things that you don’t even realize that you need help with. Honestly, a whole garden of all types of flowers is not enough to thank her for the things she has done for you, but Mother’s Day is an incredible opportunity to show your appreciation and love to mom. This time, shower her with beautiful flowers that are as amazing as her. The delightful buds will fill her day with magnificent colours and...

  • Confused, which Flowers to buy for your Mom this Mother's Day?

    Confused, which Flowers to buy for your Mom this Mother's Day?

    April 28 2016

    Fret not, we are here to help you choose the perfect blooms that exquisitely define your mum's personality. Here you go! 1. Spirited Roses Your mom is a lady of perfection, fine tastes and class She likes to wear perfectly tailored clothes She is ultra-feminine and has a delicate appearance Gift her delightful bunch of roses and make her feel special! 2. Exotic Lilies Your mom is an absolute joy and gives you a lot of inspiration She is a child at heart and is...

  • 7 Cartoon Characters your Mom acts like

    7 Cartoon Characters your Mom acts like

    May 07 2015

    When it comes to mommies, we all know how many different forms she takes. She is so unpredictable that is difficult to map what she’d be the next moment. But then, it keeps us entertained. As kids, where we all watched Cartoon Network, I watched moms. I have observed both Cartoons and Mommies all around to draw some definite similarities between the two. She depicts some strong characteristics of each of the below cartoons! . 1. DEXTER That sudden spurt of genius when you...

  • Little Things My Mum Does, I Never Thank Her For!

    Little Things My Mum Does, I Never Thank Her For!

    May 02 2015

    Abraham Lincoln said "All I am or Hope To Be, I Owe To My Angel Mother" How relevant this statement by Lincoln, stands in our lives. What we are, we owe it all to our mother. The loving, compassionate lady of the house, who is always busy doing things, to make sure our lives sail smoothly, each day, each moment. Her small little gestures are vital to us, those keep our big goals intact and we never have to worry about the daily mundane stuff that has the potential to run down the...

  • Journey Of A Mother

    Journey Of A Mother

    April 25 2015

    “You’re pregnant” “I vividly remember the butterflies in my tummy as I walked out of the doctor’s office after hearing these words. I clutched my husband’s hand tight for a soul can handle only some amount of happiness. “ “I am going to be a mother!” “I exclaimed to myself as a tear trickled down my cheek. Never could I have imagined a feeling so grand that God chose me to bring this tiny soul into the world that I would be responsible for Those 9 months passed with...

  • Top Gifting Ideas to Make This Mother's Day Special

    Top Gifting Ideas to Make This Mother's Day Special

    April 22 2015

    “Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.” - Stevie Wonder Every child’s first word is most probably ‘Ma’, ‘Mumma’ or ‘Mumm’. This is proof enough to make you realize how intrinsic a mother is in your life. Even after the umbilical cord is cut, a mother never leaves worrying for her children that is the power of a mother’s love! A Mother Needs Some...

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