• Do You Know About These Most Common Ornamental Plants?

    Do You Know About These Most Common Ornamental Plants?

    December 26 2019

    Plants that are grown or kept up for its aesthetic highlights like its color, aroma, appealing pattern or design are known as ornamental plants. Ornamental plants give your home a crisp look and soothe your eyes. They are developed particularly for decoration purpose. These kinds of ornamental plants can add charm to the indoors as well as to outdoors. Place these anywhere near the windows or in the garden, and these type of ornamental plants will light up space with their beauty. There are...

  • Things you Should know to Start Indoor Gardening

    Things you Should know to Start Indoor Gardening

    December 24 2019

    People say charity begins at home. And that is why we are here advising you to start planting, from your arena as we all know that green plants are the need of the hour. We need more and more green plants around us, not just for ourselves, but for the generations to come. To give them a secure, safe, healthy, and lush green future, we need to take steps, now! Though many of us already have a house garden and other of us are planning to make one. But, while doing so, we often neglect specific...

  • 10 Plants That Bring Prosperity in Your Family

    10 Plants That Bring Prosperity in Your Family

    December 16 2019

    “Ho Ho Ho….. Santa is cruising through the snow and about to reach you shortly!” So, what’s on your wishlist this Christmas? Success at work? A big break? A fat raise and some big bucks to take pleasure in? Our dear Santa certainly has his plate full. While you wait for Santa to show his miracles, you might as well practice some Feng Shui. Believe it or not, but Feng Shui works wonders. You don’t have to shell out big money and go all fancy in an attempt to attract wealth and riches....

  • 6 Things You Should Know To Ace Your Gardening Game

    6 Things You Should Know To Ace Your Gardening Game

    December 13 2019

    Some people consider it to be a great exercise, while others consider it to be a great hobby, gardening is like initiating a sustainable plan to feed yourself in the future. Not just, with the aim of having a kitchen garden around, but people just can’t survive without having some outdoor garden plants, these days due to pollution levels going up, every now and then. Gardening doesn’t tend to cleanse the environmental pollution but also cleanses our mind by acting as a great stress buster....

  • Importance of Plants and Trees in Human Life

    Importance of Plants and Trees in Human Life

    December 12 2019

    One can go on and on about the importance of plants and trees in our lives. They release oxygen, helping us breathe and provide a significant amount of food variants like fruits for us to eat, but that is just the basic. They help purify the air, provide shade, prevent soil erosion, floods, and all the textbook stuff from school, but as we have grown up, chlorophyll has taken a backseat in our minds. Trees and plants instantly cheer us up with their green hue in modern concrete jungles. The...

  • Make Home a Better Place with these 10 Best Plant Housewarming Gifts

    Make Home a Better Place with these 10 Best Plant Housewarming Gifts

    December 03 2019

    With the ability to make an abode a welcoming place to be in, the capability to create an aura of freshness within the home, and the potential to spread joy, plants as housewarming gifts are perfect. From air-purifying to exotic bonsais to Feng shui to fragrant, here’s our list of favourites that will bring years of goodness and smiles. 1. Orchids With well-defined and luscious blossoms and slender green stems, the orchid plant will bring to any home splendour and beauty. And the...

  • 5 Flowering Plants That Your House Demands To Be Decorated With

    5 Flowering Plants That Your House Demands To Be Decorated With

    November 28 2019

    What one doesn’t do to make the house look good? A large part of the social responsibility and personal desires asks for a beautiful home and definitely one gives it all for the upkeep of su casa. From the lamp on the side table of the bed to the knick-knacks on the shelves, everything speaks volumes about the person living in the house and portrays a picture of him or her for the guests. A spotless house embellished with creams and peaches of the decor world certainly attracts compliments...

  • 7 Succulents and Cactus Which Say NO To Care And Still Look Stunning

    7 Succulents and Cactus Which Say NO To Care And Still Look Stunning

    November 28 2019

    Plants definitely hold the crown of being the cardinal element that could solely make even the most mundane interiors come alive. Flowering shrubs and medicinal herbs surely create an astounding outlook but more than often, they demand care and attention which is not possible to keep up with, especially in the fast pace of life when there is hardly ever a time to stop and think. This is where succulents come to the rescue. These no-fuss greens lend a classic vibe to the home decor and...

  • 5 Secrets About Indoor Plants That Your Local Nursery Won’t Tell You

    5 Secrets About Indoor Plants That Your Local Nursery Won’t Tell You

    November 26 2019

    Every day when you drive back home from work, you always pass that local nursery with all the flowers, plants and trees and couldn’t resist glancing at their beauty. One evening, you went to that nursery and bought all those blooming plants, air-purifying marvels and a few more to home because it will enhance the health and beauty quotient of your house overnight. You were told that those plants will flourish with almost no maintenance but it has been four days and half of the indoor plants...

  • The Phenomenal Saga of The Mother Nature - The Neem Tree

    The Phenomenal Saga of The Mother Nature - The Neem Tree

    November 23 2019

    How many times have you heard the mentions of Neem on the internet, television, in magazines, journals or just people advising it for every other ailment? Uncountable, huh! Whether it’s the body sugar reaching new heights, bodyweight soaring day by day, a wound that refuses to heal or the stubborn pimples on your face, neem is the answer to any question that needs medical attention and it is not what the masses believe. The wonders of neem are backed up by science too, so what exactly makes...

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