What Is The Life Cycle Of A Flowering Plant?

There are different types of plants or trees, all have different types of size, age, and quality, some live for 1 day, and some remain permanent for hundreds of years. Despite these many variations, the life cycle of almost all trees and plants is divided into 5 stages, through which they have to complete their life span. And today, we will talk about the life cycle of a flowering plant. If we look at it, we will find that the life cycle of plants and that of human beings or other animals is almost the same.

What Is The Life Cycle Of A Flowering Plant?

The Seed

This is the most miraculous stage of any plant in which it remains in a state of rest, despite being in sleeping mode, life remains abundant in it. It keeps so much food and energy inside itself that it germinates when it gets to the right environment. If a seed is kept properly, it can be kept for many years, at present, the seeds are sold after being treated with chemicals and packaged, which germinate after planting even after a long time. If you want to grow a flowering plant then remember your choice of seed depends on whether you want indoor flowering plants or outdoor flowering plants.

life cycle of a flowering plant

Plant Seedling

When the seed is sown and after getting a favorable environment, it germinates and becomes a plant. Planting or seedling is the stage immediately after seed germination. After sowing the seed, as soon as the first 2-4 leaves appear in it, at the same time the root system of the plant also starts forming under the soil and above the stem and leaves start taking their shape. After the formation of leaves, the plant starts making its food through the process of photosynthesis. This stage is very important for the further life of the plant, the formation of a good and healthy root system at this stage makes the life of the plant easier. A strong root system helps in absorbing nutrients from the soil better and producing good fruits and flowers later on.

life cycle of a flowering plant

Growth Period

The third stage of the life cycle of a flowering plant is the growth period. If the seedling is prepared in the nursery, then after the seedling is formed, it is planted in a large pot or bed, etc. From this stage till the stage of flowering, the plant needs a lot of energy and food. In this stage, many new branches and leaves emerge in the plant. You can understand this stage by comparing it with adolescence in humans. The plant needs to take a lot of food, at this time the plant should be given nitrogen-rich food. In this stage, there is a lot of growth in the plant.

life cycle of a flowering plant

Flowers Flowering

The plant now enters the reproductive phase, now buds and flowers begin to appear. At this time, new growth in the plant, such as new twigs, branches, or strips no longer comes, and buds start coming on the tip of the twigs which blossom and become a flower. At this time the plant needs micronutrients such as sulfur and magnesium.

life cycle of a flowering plant


After the flowering, the next phase in the life cycle of a flowering plant is pollination. occurs when the pollen from the male anther is transported to the female stigma. Some plants can self-pollinate. Others require insects, wind, rain, birds, and other natural processes to transport the pollen.

life cycle of a flowering plant

You can do online plant shopping if you do want floral touch in your home but don’t have time to grow a plant by yourself.

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