What a Mother means to some Famous Indian Icons!

Mother, a word that evokes a multitude of emotions and memories, is a universal symbol of love, care, and sacrifice. In India, the significance of a mother in one's life is deeply ingrained in the culture and traditions. From ancient epics to modern literature, the mother figure has been a recurrent theme in Indian art, literature, and philosophy.

Mother is that ordinary-looking person in our life, that does all the extra-ordinary things for her kids well being. Mothers have been working exceptionally well during their lifetime, no matter whether she is a mother of a great political leader like Gandhi Ji or a sport-tycoon like Sachin Tendulkar. The role of a mother in our life can never be overlooked. In this blog, we'll explore what a mother means to some of the most famous Indian icons, including leaders, actors, and more, and how their mothers have influenced their lives and shaped their personalities.

What a Mother means to some Famous Indian Icons

Let us explore a little more about all famous Indian personalities and what they have to say on the topic- the importance of mother in my life.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi or Gandhiji, was a great leader, who played a significant role in India's Independence. The Father of the Nation- Gandhi Ji has always worked towards the welfare of this nation. Gandhi learnt the lesson of expressing someone love in the greatest could be done by the willing sacrifice of self for another. And that is where he learnt the importance of being selfless and serving the nation.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

Famously known as APJ Abdul Kalam or the Missile Man of India, is yet another powerful leader of independent India. Mr Kalam was greatly thankful for his mother, who always supported him and even gave him special treatment when they were not rich. The poem- 'Mother' by Mr Kalam in his book "Wings of Fire", is a pure interpretation of his mother, here, have a read

"I still remember the day when I was ten,
Sleeping on your lap to the envy of my elder brothers and sisters.
It was full moon night, my world only you knew Mother!, My Mother!
When at midnight, I woke with tears falling on my knee
You knew the pain of your child, My Mother.
Your caring hands, tenderly removing the pain
Your love, your care, your faith gave me strength,
To face the world without fear and with His strength.
We will meet again on the great Judgment Day. My Mother!"

Also, read- Top 10 Beautiful Bollywood Songs To Dedicate To Your Mother

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

Narendra Damodardas Modi

Known better as Narendra Modi or Modiji- this man is currently running our nation as the Prime Minister of India. Modiji was a tea-seller back in his early days and later moved ahead to where he is today. This sixty-nine-year-old man treats the nation as his mother. Though the mother of our PM does not live with him, and the reason she gives is- What will she do with him? What will they talk about? Also, Modiji clarifies in one of his interviews that his mother hates it when he returns late at home (after all, a mother is always a mother).

Narendra Damodardas Modi

Shahrukh Khan

Commonly written as Shah Rukh Khan and leads to the acronym SRK, is an Indian heart-throb actor. Being from a non-filmy background, King Khan in his autobiography narrated an incident, wherein he says- "I was very bad in Hindi, and could score only 2-3 out of 10 in a Hindi test. Once my mother told me that if I scored good in Hindi, she would take me to the cinema. I have never been to the cinema before, and that is why I worked my butts off, day and night and was able to score well. The other day we went to watch cinema, and from there, I developed a liking towards this profession." Crediting his mother, SRK admits that due to her, his command over Hindi is so good!

Shahrukh Khan

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar

Generally known as Sachin Tendulkar or Master Blaster, he had mentioned about his mother, in his autobiography- "Playing It My Way." Sachin was a foodie from his childhood days and has always eaten food from his mother's hand only. He adores her mother for her cooking skills and how his stomach full of yummy food gave him skills to play like a pro on the field.

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar

Like these, there are a lot other such inspirational stories of famous personalities, who became what they are today, because of their mother's teaching. Like everyone, a mother is that person in our life, who teaches us most of the life lessons, from etiquettes to fighting back the odds, she teaches us everything. And no wonder, why such famous personalities, never miss a chance to be grateful to their mother. We end this blog here, with a poem- "A Dandelion for My Mother" by Jean Nordhaus

How I loved those spiky suns,
rooted stubborn as childhood
in the grass, tough as the farmer's
big-headed children—the mats
of yellow hair, the bowl-cut fringe.
How sturdy they were and how
slowly they turned themselves
into galaxies, domes of ghost stars
barely visible by day, pale
cerebrums clinging to life
on tough green stems. Like you.
Like you, in the end. If you were here,
I'd pluck this trembling globe to show
how beautiful a thing can be
a breath will tear away.

Many times, Indian celebrities have warmed our hearts with their beautiful gestures of love and gratitude towards their moms. These celebs have shown us that no matter how famous or busy they may be, they always make time to express their love for the most important woman in their lives. From heartfelt letters to personalized portraits, these gifts are a symbol of the unbreakable bond between a mother and child. You too can make your mom feel all the love and warmth in the world with simple yet thoughtful gifts like a bouquet of her favorite flowers, a handwritten letter expressing your love and gratitude, or a beautiful portrait or a mother drawing that she can treasure forever. Let's make this Mother's Day a day to remember by showering our moms with all the love they deserve!

Happy Mother's Day!

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