Embrace the essence of love and elegance with this exquisite arrangement of 20 red and 15 pink roses, meticulously arranged in a stunning black heart-shaped box. This unique floral ensemble symbolizes a harmonious blend of passion and tenderness, with the vibrant red roses reflecting deep affection while the delicate pink blooms whisper admiration and grace. Nestled within the chic, heart-shaped container, this arrangement is not just a gift but a breathtaking expression of love and heartfelt emotions, perfect for making any special occasion truly memorable.
Caring Tips
Ensure the box remains dry at all times. Avoid placing water directly into the box, as it can damage the structure
Carefully remove the roses from the box. Under running water, trim the stems by about 1 inch at a 45-degree angle. This helps the roses absorb water better
Place the trimmed roses in a clean vase filled with fresh water. To nourish the flowers and prevent bacterial growth, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and sugar
Change the water every two days. Replace it with fresh water and clean the vase to avoid bacterial buildup.
SKU Number
Product Reviews
10th Feb 2025
Occasion : Anniversary
Very well presented and fresh flowers used
19th Aug 2024
Occasion : Birthday
Flowers were as fresh as if it's been freshly plucked from garden. Packaging was top notch.Simply Awesome ?