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Remedial Aloe Vera Plant

Product Contains
  • Plant Type: Medicinal
  • Plant Height: 10 Inches Approx
  • Plant Location: Indoors
  • Vase Name: Floweraura Chatura Vase
  • Vase Height: 5 Inches
Humans have long known about the plant's healing benefits, and over the years have used aloe — which is also known as "burn plant", "lily of the desert" and "elephant's gall" — to help treat wounds, hair loss, hemorrhoids, and digestive issues. These days, aloe has an entire industry behind it. Its juices are used in cosmetics and personal-care products such as moisturizers, soap, shaving cream, and suntan lotion. The aloe vera product that probably comes to mind most easily is the bright green gel that's stocked on drugstore shelves. You've probably used it to soothe a nasty sunburn. It comes with a Chatura plant and you can order it from us.
Caring Tips
  • Place in bright, indirect sunlight or artificial light. A western or southern window is ideal.
  • Water aloe vera plants deeply, but infrequently. To discourage rot, allow the soil to dry at least 1 to 2 inches deep between waterings. Don’t let your plant sit in water.

SKU Number


Key Points

  • OutdoorDirect sunlight
  • Height1.5ft Approx
  • WateringOnce a day
  • Scientific NameAloe Vera
  • Medicinal QualityReduces constipation

Product Review


Mariya Deputy
21st Nov 2021
Occasion : Just Like That

Loved them!❣️

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