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Lush Sansevieria Plant In Terracotta Pot

Product Contains
  • Plant Name: Sansveria Milt Plant
  • Vase Name: Plant Name: Sansveria Milt Plant
  • Vase Material: Terracotta
Transform your living space with this Sansevieria plant, nestled in a stunning blue-shaded terracotta vase. The lush, vibrant leaves of the Sansevieria create a striking contrast against the vase's intricate floral embossed pattern. This elegant and easy-to-care-for plant adds a touch of natural beauty to your home and purifies the air, making it a perfect addition to any space. Elevate your decor with this exquisite Sansevieria plant and experience the harmonious blend of aesthetics and tranquillity.
Caring Tips
    Sansevieria Milt Plant
  • Aka 'Snake Plant,' not only looks great but also purifies your indoor air by removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene.
  • Minimal Water: Allow the soil to dry between waterings; overwatering can harm the plant.
  • Indirect Light: Thrives in indirect sunlight but can tolerate low light conditions.
  • Occasional Pruning: Trim yellowed or damaged leaves to encourage new growth and maintain its sleek appearance.

SKU Number


Key Points

  • IndoorAvoid Direct Sunlight
  • Height3-4 Inches approx
  • WateringTwo to three times a week
  • Scientific NameDracaena trifasciata

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